Create a JAR package and make a desktop icon with a commandline like
this: java -jar myjar.jar

The ant script file will be inside the JAR ? Right now I type "ant run" to
run my java code.
You are saying that by making a jar which will have the ant file inside it
the ant script will be automatically executed ?

Also I need the procedure for making an icon and how to attach that icon
with whatever jar I make.

I solved it this way: I have a menu that should only be visible if an
OOo document is started by my application. So I say my application it
should add the menu transient (if this document is closed, my menu is

If you like this idea, I can post you java code, how you add a menu /
menu item to your menu.

Yes thats exactly what I want to do.


On 11/13/06, Tobias Krais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Tabish,

> 1. I need to package my java code (which bootstraps openoffice) as
> professional application in a sense that I have an icon on the
> Desktop/StartMenu through which that java code is executed and it opens
> ooimpress. In a sense it gives a feel that my own application is using
> ooimpress within it. Currently I'm using the ant script to run my java
> code.

Create a JAR package and make a desktop icon with a commandline like
this: java -jar myjar.jar
Or (in Windows) create a .bat file and write the commandline above in it.

> 2. Is there a way that my UNO Component(Addon) is only activated/visible
> when I run ooimpress through my java code and not activated/visible when
> ooimpress is run normally without my java code ?

I solved it this way: I have a menu that should only be visible if an
OOo document is started by my application. So I say my application it
should add the menu transient (if this document is closed, my menu is

Here is a snippet that does nearly the same: it removes a menu item:

If you like this idea, I can post you java code, how you add a menu /
menu item to your menu.

Greetings, Tobias

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