
Maybe you've read that I'm trying to use the java eclipse plugin to create UNO component, but beside this, I'm also creating a calc addin in c++. And I need some help :

I'm trying to integrate a way to create and solve contraints satisfaction problems in a calc sheet. But I'm a beginner yet and need some help to know if what I plan to do is possible.

I've actually three questions about calc addin :

1. Is there a way to get the reference to a cell rather than its content? The purpose is to be able to change a cell content using the cell in question as a parameter of the function.

2. Is there a way to get the formula of a function in a cell or only the value returned can be used?

Here's an exemple :
   If i use =testaddin(H1:H4) in cell A1, I would like that  either:
a. my testaddin implementation is called with "H1:H4" as a parameter (or an object abstracting a cell range).

b. A macro is able to get the content of cell A1 as a formula string ( "=testaddin(H1:H4)" ) or (better) as a parsing tree or any abstraction which let me identify the functions used as well as their arguments.

3. Is there a way to hide the returned value of a function? So that the value can be use by another function but isn't visible on the sheet.

Thanks in advance,


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