Hello Andrew and Developers!

I checked the stability of SVG filter and some files not converted that
simple command line java application does. This application produce odg
files from svg, so I would like to know how we can import odg files. The
UI of gallery does not support to add odg and sxd files (interesting? -
the gallery supports many formats but not the default OpenOffice.org
formats)... Are there any way to import odg files via API?

Best regards,

>>> Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/18/07 5:57 de.
OOo has very little clipart. I was asked to write a macro that will 
create OOo clipart galleries from existing folders of clipart.

I figured out how to insert links from a URL

oTheme.insertURLByIndex(sURL, 0)

I figured out how to insert the object as a graphic

    Dim oProvider  'GraphicProvider service.
    oProvider =

    Dim oProps(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
    oProps(0).Name  = "URL"
    oProps(0).Value = sURL

    REM Returns a graphic object from the URL to the graphic.
    oTheme.insertGraphicByIndex(oProvider.queryGraphic(oProps()), 0)

Apparently, a large collection of available clipart exists in SVG
I installed the SVG importer from here:

I looked at the API, and it looks like I can insert a draw document 

I tried it using this code:

    Dim oDoc
    Dim ImportArgs(0) As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
    ImportArgs(0).Name  = "FilterName"
    ImportArgs(0).Value = "draw_svg_import"
    oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(sURL, "_blank", 0,
    If NOT IsNull(oDoc) AND NOT IsEmpty(oDoc) Then
      oTheme.insertGraphicByIndex(oDoc, 0)
    End If

A -1 is returned, which means that the image was not added (I can also

see that the image is not added).

If you want to run the entire macro, it will be here until I resolve 
this problem (at which point, I will likely move it someplace on my 
macros page).


Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document: http://www.pitonyak.org/AndrewMacro.odt 
My Book: http://www.hentzenwerke.com/catalog/oome.htm 
Info:  http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php 
See Also: http://documentation.openoffice.org/HOW_TO/index.html 

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