Hi Tobias,

Tobias Krais a écrit :
> today I tried to migrate my extension project to an Eclipse UNO-IDL
> project. The extension contains a protocol handler with the
> Addons.xcu,... I created successfully the project, but when exporting
> the project as an oxt file, my description.xml, manifest.xml,... is not
> included in the extension. Do I have to add all this stuff manually
> afterwards? Or is there a chance to tell the package wizard to include
> these files?

Simply create a package.properties file at your project's root. Open
this file a check the files to include. I should create an empty
package.properties file during the project creation... I'll add the issue.

Don't forget to file every issue on the Eclipse plugin:
  + component: sdk
  + subcomponent: eclipseintegration

Hope that helps,

Cédric Bosdonnat
OOo Eclipse Integration developer

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