Stephan Bergmann escribió:
Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
Hello people,

I started to set my environment to program with OOo API in C++.
I'm doing things in parallel on Windows and Linux.
In Windows  I could figure out how to set the MS Visual Studio 2005
Express, in Linux I started with the NetBeans Cpp plug-in, but may be I
will use the Sun Studio.

Some problems/headaches started when testing with
SimpleBootstrap_cpp.cxx: in Windows I got an error from
the compiler:

$OO_SDK_HOME\include\sal\types.h(77) :
fatal error C1189: #error :  "Could not find 16-bit type, add support
for your architecture"

Reading a few lines above (types.h 44 ss)

#elif defined WNT
  /* FIXME: autogeneration of type sizes on Win32/Win64? */

I just added #define WNT in Windows and could

Is this "FIXME?" with its "?" something unconfirmed? Or is it confirmed
and going to be fixed? Or is it simply a dummy thing I'm missing?

In Linux I had other similar problems, so I added #define UNX and worked.

Setting the necessary preprocessor defines like WNT or UNX appears to be controlled by CC_DEFINES in SDK's settings/ (and there are more settings of important compiler and linker flags there to adapt your tool chain to the requirements of the URE; see ure/source/uretest/Makefile.pln:1.6 for an alternative approach to do this adaption independent of the SDK, albeit done there only for Linux).


thanks for that hint!
Seems like I'm going to work hard to start my way on OOo API with Cpp!
...well... I'm on summer-"holidays" so I have time to learn. I will start studing whow the SDK Makefile's work fisrt.


Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina


"Aus der Kriegsschule des Lebens
                - Was mich nicht umbringt,
        macht mich härter."
                Nietzsche Götzendämmerung, Sprüche und Pfeile, 8.

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