On 12/11/08 11:43, Benjamin Vollmer wrote:
- I didn't understand that the main class from the nb addon project must implement the XContainerWindowEventHandler interface. I used a seperate class for this because in the dev guide it seems to be also a standalone class, but this class was never instantiated.

I think the problem here is that the CentralRegistrationClass, created by the wizard, needs the class names you want to register. By default this class reads the manifest entry named "registration.classname" and loads the classes specified here (space separated list).

- Jürgen said it make sense to use a folder structure like "/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/" for the data-configuration files. But my experience is that for the OptionsDialog.xcu this doesn't work. The refered .xdl Dialog will only be displayed when the OptionsDialog.xcu is in the root folder of the extension.

Probably a referencing problem. Did you use %origin% to specify the location of the xdl file?
Please note that %origin% is relative to the referencing xcu file!

I'm currently working on a sample extension for Jürgen that shows how to add an Option page and extension help. I'll need some days to finally polish it, but if it helps I can provide a work-in-progress project earlier... :-)


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