
the attached patch works for me. Give it a try.



Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
Hi there,

In Python, I need to transport a css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue> inside the css.document.MediaDescriptor's FilterData for the PDF export filter. I guess (my PyUNO knowledge is rather limited... as I don't like Python that much...) the Python code may look like this:

aFilterData = (
       PropertyValue( "DisplayPDFDocumentTitle",   0, False, DIRECT_VALUE ),
       PropertyValue( "OpenInFullScreenMode",      0, True,  DIRECT_VALUE ),
       PropertyValue( "ResizeWindowToInitialPage", 0, True,  DIRECT_VALUE ),
       PropertyValue( "HideViewerMenubar",         0, True,  DIRECT_VALUE ),
       PropertyValue( "HideViewerToolbar",         0, True,  DIRECT_VALUE ),
       PropertyValue( "Selection",                 0, oSel,  DIRECT_VALUE )

aMediaDescriptor = (
          PropertyValue( "FilterName", 0, "writer_pdf_Export", DIRECT_VALUE ),
          PropertyValue( "FilterData", 0, aFilterData,         DIRECT_VALUE )

xTextDoc.storeToURL( sURL, aMediaDescriptor )

(complete code attached)

what in Java looks like this:

            PropertyValue[] aMediaDescriptor = new PropertyValue[2];
            aMediaDescriptor[0] = new PropertyValue();
            aMediaDescriptor[0].Name = "FilterName";
            aMediaDescriptor[0].Value = "writer_pdf_Export";

            PropertyValue[] aFilterData = new PropertyValue[6];
            aFilterData[0] = new PropertyValue();
            aFilterData[0].Name = "Selection";
            aFilterData[0].Value = oSelection;

            aFilterData[1] = new PropertyValue();
            aFilterData[1].Name = "DisplayPDFDocumentTitle";
            aFilterData[1].Value = Boolean.FALSE;

            aFilterData[2] = new PropertyValue();
            aFilterData[2].Name = "OpenInFullScreenMode";
            aFilterData[2].Value = Boolean.TRUE;

            aFilterData[3] = new PropertyValue();
            aFilterData[3].Name = "ResizeWindowToInitialPage";
            aFilterData[3].Value = Boolean.TRUE;

            aFilterData[4] = new PropertyValue();
            aFilterData[4].Name = "HideViewerMenubar";
            aFilterData[4].Value = Boolean.TRUE;

            aFilterData[5] = new PropertyValue();
            aFilterData[5].Name = "HideViewerToolbar";
            aFilterData[5].Value = Boolean.TRUE;

            aMediaDescriptor[1] = new PropertyValue();
            aMediaDescriptor[1].Name = "FilterData";
            aMediaDescriptor[1].Value = aFilterData;

            XStorable xStorable = (XStorable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                    XStorable.class, xTextDocument);
            xStorable.storeToURL(sURL, aMediaDescriptor);

and in OOo Basic looks like the code in http://arielch.fedorapeople.org/docs/PDF_export_FilterData_demo.odt

The problem is that with the above code, the PyUNO bridge transports the FilterData as a css::uno::Sequence<css::uno::Any> instead of a css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue> and the convertion fails in the filter code http://svn.services.openoffice.org/opengrok/xref/DEV300_m68/filter/source/pdf/pdffilter.cxx#71 so that the filter ends up reading the configuration instead of the FilterData passed.

The problem is the same as in http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=12504
"The problem is, that the writer code expects a
sequence<PropertyValue> as the any argument of replaceByIndex, but
python delivers a sequence<any>, where each member is of type

but the workaround in FAQ Nr. 15 didn't work for me cf. http://udk.openoffice.org/python/python-bridge.html#faq and http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=12504#desc12

Any hints on how to tell the PyUNO bridge to do things as really wanted are very welcome.



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# sample client application
# Start OOo with the following command:
#    /opt/openoffice.org3/program/soffice 
"-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext" > /dev/null 
2>&1 &

import uno
import unohelper

from com.sun.star.beans import NamedValue
from com.sun.star.beans import PropertyValue
from com.sun.star.beans.PropertyState import DIRECT_VALUE
from com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter import PARAGRAPH_BREAK

def load_new_writer_doc( xContext ):
    xComponentLoader = xContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
        "com.sun.star.frame.Desktop", xContext )
    xComponent = xComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL(
        "private:factory/swriter", "_default", 0, () )

    return xComponent

def get_home_dir( xContext ):
    xPathSubst = xContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
        "com.sun.star.util.PathSubstitution", xContext )
    sHomeDir = xPathSubst.getSubstituteVariableValue( "$(home)" )

    return sHomeDir

def create_unique_file_name( xContext, sBaseURL, sFileName, sExtension ):
    xSFA = xContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
        "com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess", xContext )

    n = 0
    sRet = sBaseURL + "/" + sFileName + "." + sExtension
    while xSFA.exists( sRet ) :
        sRet = sBaseURL + "/" + sFileName + str(n) + "." + sExtension
        n = n + 1

    return sRet

sConnectionStr = 

localContext = uno.getComponentContext()
localServiceManager = localContext.getServiceManager()

xURLResolver = 

remoteContext = xURLResolver.resolve( sConnectionStr )
remoteServiceManager = remoteContext.getServiceManager()

#    FilterData demo

xTextDoc = load_new_writer_doc( remoteContext )
xText = xTextDoc.getText()
xCursor = xText.createTextCursorByRange( xText.getStart() )

xText.insertString( xCursor, "This is a demo", False )
xText.insertControlCharacter( xCursor, PARAGRAPH_BREAK, False )
xText.insertString( xCursor, "to be exported as PDF" , True )

xTextDoc.getCurrentController().select( xCursor )
oSel = xTextDoc.getCurrentController().getSelection()

sURL = create_unique_file_name(
                                get_home_dir( remoteContext ),
                                "pdf" )

aFilterData = (
                PropertyValue( "DisplayPDFDocumentTitle",   0, False, 
                PropertyValue( "OpenInFullScreenMode",      0, True,  
                PropertyValue( "ResizeWindowToInitialPage", 0, True,  
                PropertyValue( "HideViewerMenubar",         0, True,  
                PropertyValue( "HideViewerToolbar",         0, True,  
                PropertyValue( "Selection",                 0, oSel,  

# Exporting to PDF consists of giving the proper
# filter name in the property "FilterName"
# By adding the "FilterData" we can control what is exported and how
aMediaDescriptor = (
                    PropertyValue( "FilterName", 0, "writer_pdf_Export", 
                    PropertyValue( "FilterData", 0, aFilterData,         

xTextDoc.storeToURL( sURL, aMediaDescriptor )
xTextDoc.close( True )

print "Stored as " + sURL


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*** pdf_filterdata.py.orig      Mon Dec 28 22:05:28 2009
--- pdf_filterdata.py   Mon Dec 28 22:07:27 2009
*** 89,98 ****
  # By adding the "FilterData" we can control what is exported and how
  aMediaDescriptor = (
                      PropertyValue( "FilterName", 0, "writer_pdf_Export", 
!                     PropertyValue( "FilterData", 0, aFilterData,         
! xTextDoc.storeToURL( sURL, aMediaDescriptor )
  xTextDoc.close( True )
  print "Stored as " + sURL
--- 89,98 ----
  # By adding the "FilterData" we can control what is exported and how
  aMediaDescriptor = (
                      PropertyValue( "FilterName", 0, "writer_pdf_Export", 
!                   PropertyValue( "FilterData", 0, uno.Any( 
"[]com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue", aFilterData),  DIRECT_VALUE )
! uno.invoke( xTextDoc, "storeToURL", ( sURL, aMediaDescriptor) )
  xTextDoc.close( True )
  print "Stored as " + sURL

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