
I'm working with an activeX component that does not work when used with
larges files in OpenOfice.org. When it takes more then two seconds to save
the file, it does not work. When it is less then two seconds to save the
file, it works most of the time.

The activeX component enables a user of a website to edit a document on the
website through other applications like OpenOffice.org.
The activeX component downloads the file to a temporary directory, and
starts the application used to edit the component. Then it polls every 2
seconds to see if the file file is changed and if the application is still

When OpenOffice.org saves the file, the activeX component dies, and the
result file is not saved back to the webserver.

To fix this I need to know how OpenOffice.org saves the file. Does it create
a temporary file, deletes the original file and then moves the temp file to
the original file.

Or maybe someone has any idea on why the activeX component fails (probably
difficult with so little information).

Knut Olav Bøhmer

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