Okej, forget this, I solved it. Immediately after I sent this I found
the problem! All I needed to do to find it out was probably to write
about it somewhere…

I found the problem when I did a search in all modules for my type
”DieStatistics”. I found it in a module called ”Experiment” which is
Swedish for ”Experiments” in this case.

I did some tests in that module a few days ago, before I declared
DiceFreq as an array of DieStatistics, so DiceFreq was declared
globally twice:

Module Experiment:
Global DiceFreq As DieStatistics

Module P:
Private DiceFreq(1) As DieStatistics

After removing the Experiment ones, everything worked as expected.

Phew, what a relief… I thought I was crazy there for a few minutes…!

And I usually don't top post, but in this case I thought it could be
appropriate, since the text below suddenly became very unimportant.

Best regards

Johnny Rosenberg

2011/8/15 Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knu...@gmail.com>:
> I was editing some code I have, actually a game with dice and stuff,
> but that doesn't matter, I suppose.
> So I ran into a problem, and I copied the troubling part of the code
> to a separate document for test driving.
> However, the test code runs perfectly, but not within the game of mine!
> I ran the game on another computer but another version of
> OpenOffice.org (actually the first computer runs LibreOffice 3.3.3),
> but the results were exactly the same.
> Here's the test code. I have a message box after almost every
> statement so I can see what happens. I added some extra comments in
> the code.
> REM  *****  BASIC  *****
> Option Explicit
> Option Compatible
> Type DieStatistics
>        Value As Integer
>        Count As Integer
> End Type
> ' The variable DiceFreq, declared below this comment, tells us which
> two die values that are most frequent. For example, if the six dice
> are 133455,
> ' DiceFreq will contain:
> ' DiceFreq(0).Value: 5 (the most common value is 5)
> ' DiceFreq(0).Count: 2 (2 dice have the value 5)
> ' DiceFreq(1).Value: 3 (the second most common value is 3 – in this
> case there are two of both 3 and five, but higher value has priority)
> ' DiceFreq(1).Count: 2 (2 dice have the value 3)
> ' This makes it very easy for us to calculate things later,
> calculations that are not present in this short example though.
> Private DiceFreq(1) As DieStatistics '
> Sub Test0
> '       NDice tells us how many there are of each die value. In the above
> example, NDice(4)=1, since there are 1 die with the value 4.
>        Dim NDice(1 To 6) As Integer, i As Integer
> '       Here we set the values of NDice for an example where this is known
> to fail, that is what NDice would contain if the dice were 112345
> '       NDice(1)=2, NDice(2)=1 and so on.
>        For i=2 To 5
>                NDice(i)=1
>        Next i
>        NDice(1)=2
> '       Here's where I calculate the values for DiceFreq by going through
> NDice from 6 to 1.
>        For i=6 To 1 Step -1
>                If NDice(i)>DiceFreq(0).Count Then
>                        DiceFreq(1).Count=DiceFreq(0).Count
>                        DiceFreq(1).Value=DiceFreq(0).Value
>                                MsgBox DiceFreq(0).Value & ": " & 
> DiceFreq(0).Count & " st." & Chr(13) & _
>                                DiceFreq(1).Value & ": " & DiceFreq(1).Count & 
> " st."
>                        DiceFreq(0).Count=NDice(i)
>                        DiceFreq(0).Value=i
>                                MsgBox DiceFreq(0).Value & ": " & 
> DiceFreq(0).Count & " st." & Chr(13) & _
>                                DiceFreq(1).Value & ": " & DiceFreq(1).Count & 
> " st."
>                ElseIf NDice(i)>DiceFreq(1).Count Then
>                        DiceFreq(1).Count=NDice(i)
>                        DiceFreq(1).Value=i
>                                MsgBox DiceFreq(0).Value & ": " & 
> DiceFreq(0).Count & " st." & Chr(13) & _
>                                DiceFreq(1).Value & ": " & DiceFreq(1).Count & 
> " st."
>                EndIf
>        Next i
>        MsgBox "Final reults:" & String(2,Chr(13)) & DiceFreq(0).Value & ": "
> & DiceFreq(0).Count & _
>         " st." & Chr(13) & DiceFreq(1).Value & ": " & DiceFreq(1).Count & " 
> st."
> End Sub
> Now, while this works perfectly as a stand-alone subroutine, it
> doesn't work in the game. What happens in the game is that everytime I
> change the value of DiceFreq(i).Value or DiceFreq(i).Count, BOTH
> instances are changed, for example if I set DiceFreq(0).Value to 5,
> DiceFreq(1).Value is also set to 5 and I just can't figure out why!
> In the game the corresponding subroutine is called from another
> module, but I simulated that too in my test, but still it ONLY fails
> in the game.
> I can upload my game document (the debug version) somewhere if needed.
> What on earth could possibly cause this? I'm just out of ideas!
> Help…?
> Kind regards
> Johnny Rosenberg
> ジョニー・ローゼンバーグ
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