I cannot integrate apisix with zipkin:
  "disable": false,
  "endpoint": "";,
  "sample_ratio": 1,
  "service_name": "apisix",
  "span_version": 2
I am just trying to go from apisix to httpbin.org/uuid (test purpose).

Another issue happens with ELK (Kibana). It run once (I saw expected logs on 
Kibana), but then nothing appears there.
I am using syslog plugin with connection to my local logstash instance:
  "disable": false,
  "host": "",
  "port": 5000
And also with http-logger plugin:
  "disable": false,
  "include_req_body": true,
  "include_resp_body": true,
  "uri": "http://localhost:5000";
No idea what I am doing wrong.
Please have a look.

Kind regards,

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