> It works for me. 
> I only have two mild concerns:
> 1) APR's use of .la files when the user doesn't use libtool (noted above)
> 2) APRVARS.in using variables not in the APR namespace. See apr-util's
>    export_vars.sh.in for what I think is the Right Way (and how it is used
>    in Apache's configure.in). By using unprotected names in APRVARS, we
>    might "stomp" on the user's vars.
> I've got no immediate answer for (1), and (2) is just something that has
> been in mind for a while. I'll get around to it at some point, probably
> after JimJag's flag revision stuff.

Can I suggest a possible solution for 1, and agree 100% with 2?  The
possible solution, is to use two variables, LIBTOOL_LIBS, and
NON_LIBTOOL_LIBS.  These names are probably wrong, call they what you want

The idea is that if you use LIBTOOL, you have to add the libraries in
LIBTOOL_LIBS, if not you have to use NON_LIBTOOL_LIBS.  If you don't use
libtool, you basically have to add the NON_LIBTOOL_LIBS to APR_LIBS.

Does that make sense?


Ryan Bloom                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
406 29th St.
San Francisco, CA 94131

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