On Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 06:50:09AM -0500, Kevin Pilch-Bisson wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 06, 2001 at 03:05:30PM -0800, Greg Stein wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 06, 2001 at 09:38:16AM -0500, Kevin Pilch-Bisson wrote:
> > >...
> > > +1 for this, but only if it is done soon.  As Ryan said recently, APR is
> > > approaching the Beta stage, so API's shouldn't change much.  However, I
> > > think this is a useful change.
> > 
> > A little process comment here: Ryan is a single voice out of all of us here.
> > I want to see a "beta" also, but just because Ryan or I say so doesn't make
> > it true.
> > 
> > Basically, we release it as a beta when we (the group) think it is a beta.
> > 
> My apologies if I stepped on any toes.  I didn't mean to say that Ryan
> had the final say or anything like that.  I was just referring to the
> fact that Ryan recently suggested not changing API's much, because APR
> was approaching Beta.  All I meant to say was that I thought this change
> was important, even though it _DOES_ in fact change those API's, but
> that it should be done soon if it is done, because the API should be
> stable once APR is `Beta'd.
> If you interpreted it differently, please rest assured that this was all
> I meant to imply.

Hehe... have no fear of my toes. Around mailing lists, I wear asbestos
pajamas and steel-toed boots. :-)

It is only what I said: a "comment". You did say you were lurking for a
while and relatively new, so I simply filled in a bit of info on how the
process works. No big whoop.

I think we'll be changing APIs until we release. After that, then it will be

Trying to freeze APIs at any point before a release just means that you
release with sucky APIs. Fix them first, then release. After you release,
you have to deal with the crap you built, but that is a different story for
a different time :-)


Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/

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