Help me out here... I don't follow your comments.

"William A. Rowe, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Jeff,
>   this is the wrong solution (and it was anticipated).  Since win32 and OS2 
> don't
> need the unix MPM's they were never fixed, apparently (from this
> report) they must be.

what is the connection between "unix MPM" and this code?  Do you mean
"unix build of APR?"

>   We can't go munging system symbols, see the declarations in apr_errno.h for 
> the
> apr_get_netos_error() (and if we need it, we could implement an 
> apr_set_netos_error() 
> although it may not enjoy cross-platform support!)

What does "munging system symbols" mean?

apr_get/set_netos_error() is not sufficient.  For Unix that needs to deal
with errno.  This is h_errno.

>   Patch the apr core and mpms to adopt this call instead of h_errno and 
> implement your
> solution in terms of declaring apr_get_netos_error() and the problem
> should go away.

can't do because of the errno/h_errno issue...


Note that this path is only used on systems with getnameinfo() and IPv6
support.  The h_errno kludge helps out with some getnameinfo() issues
on common versions of glibc.  Before we truly clean up this code we
need to understand what is needed to operate with getnameinfo() across
a variety of systems.  Hopefully the h_errno stuff can then be hidden
inside ifdef GETNAMEINFO_SETS_H_ERRNO and any non-Unix platforms which
later add getnameinfo() support won't be hurt by the kludge since it
won't be set.

Jeff Trawick | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP public key at web site:
             Born in Roswell... married an alien...

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