On Mon, 21 May 2001, Sander Striker wrote:

> dreid>   Why not stick to the standard apr format of
> dreid>
> dreid>   apr_status_t abort_fn(char *sourcefile, int lineno);
> striker> Ahh, there is such a function? I need to do a lot of digging into
> APR.

Hmm... yeah, that's a point.  Then again, if the abort_fn is basically
just abort(), then it's pretty easy to do a debugger backtrace and get all
the sourcefile/lineno information for the entire call stack that way.  I
really don't think we should be adding sourcefile/lineno arguments to ALL
of the SMS functions...

Well, whatever.  Other opinions?


   Cliff Woolley
   Charlottesville, VA

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