On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Bill Stoddard wrote:

> If you perform a read on a file and don't specifiy an offset, then you
> should assume you will be reading from the current file pointer
> maintained by the system (or by apr_file_t in the XTHREAD case).  If
> you have an apr_file_t open and you are reading from the file
> someplace else using the fd, then you are screwed. You shouldn't be
> mixing apr_file_* calls with non apr_file_* calls on the same fd. If
> you insist on doing this, then you need to ensure that your non
> apr_file_* calls leaves the file pointer in the proper state when they
> are done.  You definitely shouldn't be horking up apr_file* calls to
> defend against this case.

[scratching head]

I don't think we're talking about mixing apr_file_* and non apr_file_*
calls.  A file bucket *always* specifies an offset [although sometimes
that offset might be 0].

Consider this:

    apr_file_t *f = ...
    apr_bucket *a, *b;

    a = apr_bucket_file_create(f, 0, len, pool);
    b = apr_bucket_split(a, 500);


Now you have two file buckets referencing the same apr_file_t, one at
offset 0 and one at offset 500.  The one at offset 500 is BEFORE the one
at offset 0 in the brigade.  When you read from the buckets in the brigade
(assume for a minute that !APR_HAS_MMAP), you get to the offset==500
bucket first, seek to offset 500, and read from there.  Then you get to
the offset==0 bucket, so you sure as hell better seek back to offset 0
before you read!  Not doing so is a bug in the file buckets code, not in
APR.  If you want to combine the apr_file_seek/apr_file_read calls, that's
fine, but you'll STILL need to have removed this offset-test conditional.
So Ryan's patch is a correct fix either way, not just a hack.


   Cliff Woolley
   Charlottesville, VA

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