> Independent of httpd effectively means APR. I guess you could be an httpd
> subproject, but this has nothing to do with an HTTP server.
> [ there is no way the board would establish a new PMC for this, speaking as
>   one of those board members :-) ]

I don't see why.  I don't believe umbrella projects work for anything but
strict subsets of the PMC contributors.  libapreq is an excellent example.
That is why APR was created as a separate PMC.  If APR is not a subproject
of httpd, then I don't see any reason why a client project should be under

In any case, the people wanting to set it up are going to have to set the
scope appropriately.  Is it going to be limited to C?  Use APR?  What is
the interface?

I mean, if the interface is 100% APR dependent, then apr-client is as
good a name as any.  I do want folks to keep in mind, though, that the
PMC structure is required to maintain oversight -- if the PMC responsible
for a cvs repository is not paying attention to the commits and releases
on that repository, then the code doen't belong in that PMC.


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