Cliff Woolley wrote:

I think the ideal situation would be if we had an apr_mmap_dup() similar
to our apr_file_dup().  apr_file_dup() already solves this problem for
files by ensuring that a duplicate copy of the file descriptor lives as
long as the given pool.  apr_mmap_dup() in the case of duping into an
ancestor pool could do exactly what we're trying to get mmap_setaside() to
do: copy the apr_mmap_t() into the ancestor pool and tweak the cleanups.
In the case of disjoint pools, it could do something else (what I haven't
decided yet).  Then mmap_setaside() becomes as easy as file_setaside() is.


apr_mmap_dup() with an optimization for the ancestor-pool case sounds good to me. Actually, with a slight modification, I think this can handle the non-ancestor-pool case too: * Create a reference count, in storage outside of any pool. (I have no major reservations about doing a malloc for this, since it's quick compared to the mmap itself. If it ever became a bottleneck, we could add a custom free list.) * Set the reference count to 1 when it's created, and increment in apr_mmap_dup(). * In mmap_cleanup(), decrement the reference count. If it's now zero, munmap, and free the struct that holds the reference count. If the reference count is nonzero, do nothing.

What do you think?


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