Mladen Turk wrote:


How about to add here something like:
(in apr_hash.h add #define APR_HASH_KEY_UCASE     (-2)

+    else if (klen == APR_HASH_KEY_UCASE) {
+        for (p = key; *p; p++) {
+            hash = hash * 33 + apr_tolower(*p);
+        }
+        klen = p - (const unsigned char *)key;
+    }

that will give you the case insensitive hash table

I like this idea, with one modification: I think the case-insensitive-string-key support should be an attribute of the hash table that's set when the table is created, rather than a parameter passed to apr_table_(get|set). If it's passed on each get/set request, it's possible for the table to get into a corrupted state. For example, if somebody does this: apr_hash_set(t, "Key", APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, value1); apr_hash_set(t, "Key", APR_HASH_KEY_UCASE, value2); then apr_hash_get(t, "Key", ...) will return either value1 or value2, depending on whether it's called with APR_HASH_KEY_STRING_UCASE or not. That will really confuse people.

So I'd prefer to do:
 apr_hash_string_make(apr_pool_t *p, int is_case_sensitive)

which would create a hash table optimized for string keys.

There's actually a very good reason to do something like
this: the add_any_filter() function in Apache is slow because
it has to make lowercase copies of strings before passing
them to apr_hash_get().  Having a specialization of apr_hash_t
will support for case-insensitive string keys would improve
the performance.  I'll post a patch for this sometime soon.


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