* Justin Erenkrantz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :
> On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 11:55:25AM -0800, Greg Stein wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 12:40:10PM -0500, Garrett Rooney wrote:
> > >...
> > > The issue is with the way autoconf 2.53 does it's variable
> > > substitution.  it's apparently different than 2.52 (or whatever the
> > > last version of autoconf in the ports tree was), and breaks apr's
> > > 'make install' as a result.
> > 
> > Was there an email somewhere that described the problem? "breaks apr" isn't
> > enough to assist here. With the info on hand on what breaks, then maybe we
> > can come up with a proper fix here.
> In my original email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] in response to Garrett's commit, I
> hinted at the problem.
> This screams like an autoconf bug, but they keep changing their
> output parameters from one version to another.  Perhaps we need
> to always prefix our substituted variables with ap_/apr_ (for
> httpd/apr)?  I'm fed up with these changes.  -- justin
I get the distinct feeling that this is the only sane way to cope with the
autoconf guys changing stuff like this on us. 
I can do this change tomorrow if we get consensus on it.

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