>brane       2003/01/22 17:04:09
>  Modified:    lib      iconv_module.c iconv.h
>               include  apr_iconv.h
>               .        configure.in
>  Log:
>  A search path for conversion modules can now be defined in the
>  APR_ICONV_PATH environment variable.
>  * configure.in: Make ':' the path separator in APR_ICONV_PATH on Unix.
>  * include/apr_iconv.h: Remove private stuff that belongs in lib/iconv.h.
>  * lib/iconv.h: Make ';' the path separator on Windows. Remove issetgid.
>  * lib/iconv_module.c (iconv_getpath): Replace the old ICONV_PATH
>    handling with properly APR-ized APR_ICONV_PATH handling. Use a
>    subpool throughout this function, because iconv_getpathname can be
>    called several times and it's really not nice to keep all those
>    allocated strings hanging around.
>  CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  CVS: PR:
>  CVS:   If this change addresses a PR in the problem report tracking
>  CVS:   database, then enter the PR number(s) here.
>  CVS: Obtained from:
>  CVS:   If this change has been taken from another system, such as NCSA,
>  CVS:   then name the system in this line, otherwise delete it.
>  CVS: Submitted by:
>  CVS:   If this code has been contributed to Apache by someone else; i.e.,
>  CVS:   they sent us a patch or a new module, then include their name/email
>  CVS:   address here. If this is your work then delete this line.
>  CVS: Reviewed by:
>  CVS:   If we are doing pre-commit code reviews and someone else has
>  CVS:   reviewed your changes, include their name(s) here.
>  CVS:   If you have not had it reviewed then delete this line.
Blast! I thought CVS was supposed to strip those lines from the log
message? Duh. If some kindly member of the cvsadmin group would care to
fix those logs, I'd be eternally grateful...

Brane Äibej   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://www.xbc.nu/brane/

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