On 04/07/2010 03:40 PM, Brian Havard wrote:
I'm not sure why but I didn't get your original email quoted below.

I added the APR_DECLARE because I can't build httpd trunk without it.
apr_wait_for_io_or_timeout() is used in 2 places in httpd. The one
causing me trouble is in mod_reqtimeout.c. The other is
mod_proxy_fdpass.c but I don't have that enabled.

I'm happy to reverse this if that's the right thing to do but httpd will
have to remove all references to the function.

I don't have a problem with making that API as public,
but it shouldn't be declared inside the apr_support.h
in that case.
This header is for APR internal declarations only.

Not sure what would be the optimal header for
declaring the public apr_wait_for_io_or_timeout
but apr_network_io.h is the logical choice since
it already has function that operate on apr_file_t and


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