Hi Graham,
On 31.05.2013 23:34, Graham Leggett wrote:
I have been putting together an apr_escape API based on the escaping
and unescaping functions in httpd's util.c. So far so good. This code
depends on the generation of a file called test_char.h, which is
generated at build time by a small bit of code called
gen_test_char.c. Httpd handles this bit fine, I need to reproduce
this in the APR build.
I really dont like this; this gen_test_char.c thingy is one of the problems we have with cross-compiling, and from my view it is not needed. If you look at the source of gen_test_char.c you can see that it usually includes the APR/APU headers only for getting some defines which are in ctype.h of each and every platform - so if we dont have these defines there, or no ctype.h at all for a platform, we simply can not support this platform. Then gen_test_char.c is kinda matured, and has not received any significant updates, so the output of gen_test_char was probably identical over the past 10+ years (ok, I've not actually checked the svn logs, so I might be wrong). I believe we could just check in the result test_char.h into svn, and if we ever have to change it we can re-generate it with gen_test_char and update in svn; we do similar with the regex headers in httpd which also were a bit problematic because of different flex versions, and I think this works fine.

These are just my thoughts to tis topic - not a veto or such.


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