
I would like to have details about the way patches should be submitted and backported within APR.
The process seems to be different than the one from httpd.

In http://apr.apache.org/guidelines.html, it is stated that changes do not require review and that only the bigger ones are (only) encouraged to be reviewed.

In svn, we can find trunk, 1.6.x branch, 1.5.x branch...
Current release is 1.5.1

I assume that previous release (1.4.x...) are no more maintained

Which one(s) should be used for changes? The 3 of them (trunk, 1.6.x , 1.5.x)?
What is the main difference between 1.6.x (not release yet) and trunk?
Does odd/even numbers have a special meaning as in httpd?

Thanks in advance.

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