On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 5:02 AM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:

> The docs cleanup has broken a TON of links... Do a search on any
> APR function and chances are good that results will refer
> to the now-nonexistant 1.3/1.4 urls.

Just learning for the first time that apr's apmail config doesn't lend
itself to replying to list ;-)

Files restored.  Tagged all with <link rel="canonical"> to redirect all of
the search engines to 1.5 docs.

However, the 0.9 really don't have good correlation into the 1.5 docs
trees.  There may not be much
we can do about that, maybe point all 0.9 canonical links to the root of
the 1.5 doxygen ;-/

The 1.x SHOULD map to 1.5, but don't.  Something changed in generating 1.5
doxygen, where the apr__hash_8h-source.html names now map
to apr__hash_8h_source.html (true of all *source.html).  Is anyone familiar
with this doxygen change, whether 1.5 generation docs were a quirk or the
new correct convention?

Let's give this a month to propagate to the various search engines, and
begin looking at the rewrite rules to redirect {1.x} to {1.5}, as a
permanent solution?  Once these are redirects, the old 1.x dirs at least
can be axed.
  • docs Jim Jagielski
    • Re: docs William A Rowe Jr

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