Nick Kew in gmane.comp.apache.apr.devel (Sat, 18 Mar 2017 07:57:37
>On Sat, 2017-03-18 at 08:28 +0100, Jan Ehrhardt wrote:
>> Will this 1.6 release contain support of OpenSSL 1.1.x or is that part
>> of a future release?
>Good question.  I see no bugzilla entry for it.  A quick search
>on this list reveals just two messages, dated 29/3/16.
>Are you asking whether the changes Rainer refers to in
>are in it?  If so, your own feedback to Rainer's "does it
>work for you?" question would be great?

The 2 Windows related files in apr/apr-util/crypto still use the pre-1.1
OpenSSL lib files, libeay32.lib and ssleay32.lib:

So, the answer to the question "does it work for you?" seems to be No.

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