On 5/31/2017 8:51 AM, Nick Kew wrote:
I've uploaded release candidates APR-1.6.1 alongside
the existing APR-UTIL-1.6.0.  These bring the benefit
of a number of updates to our users.  Please test and
VOTE on releasing these as our best available versions.

[-1] Release apr-1.6.1
[+1 / 0 / -1] Release apr-util-1.6.0

Something tells me not everything of timelock got ripped out.

cl.exe /nologo /MD /W3 /Zi /O2 /Oy- /I "./include" /I "./include/arch" /I "./include/arch/wi n32" /I "./include/arch/unix" /D "NDEBUG" /D "APR_DECLARE_STATIC" /D "WIN32" /D "WINNT" /D "_WINDOWS
" /Fo".\LibR\\" /Fd".\LibR\apr-1" /FD /c .\locks\win32\proc_mutex.c
.\locks\win32\proc_mutex.c(46): error C2065: 'APR_LOCK_DEFAULT_TIMED': undeclared identifier .\locks\win32\proc_mutex.c(198): error C2065: 'APR_LOCK_DEFAULT_TIMED': undeclared identifier .\locks\win32\proc_mutex.c(223): error C2065: 'APR_LOCK_DEFAULT_TIMED': undeclared identifier .\locks\win32\proc_mutex.c(243): error C2065: 'APR_LOCK_DEFAULT_TIMED': undeclared identifier .\locks\win32\proc_mutex.c(265): error C2065: 'APR_LOCK_DEFAULT_TIMED': undeclared identifier NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\BIN\amd64\cl.exe
"' : return code '0x2'

beos and os2 are same it looks.

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