APR Developers,

Hello!  I joined a little while back out of a need to add TLS capabilities to apr_dbd_mysql (https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=62342).  In my exuberance to contribute and solve this problem quickly -- I have another project waiting for this fix -- I just cloned the trunk (2.0) and got right to work.  My completed additions compile fine -- no errors or warnings -- and the automated tests all succeed. Even RPM building appears to work well.  In wanting to prove my changes in a test environment, I attempted to simply install the new apr-mysql RPM (somewhat surprised at the unexpected name change) and discovered it is impossible.

I'm unable to install the RPMs I created simply because the sub-packages (like apr-mysql) all require "apr-util", which is no longer being built, as far as I can tell.  It's nowhere in the spec file except as a dependency.  Was this an oversight or am I missing something obvious?  Would it be safe to simply remove the dependency on apr-util or should it have been replaced by a different dependency?

In looking to see what I could do on my own, I separately discovered to my dismay that CentOS 7 -- the OS for which I have a specific need for this fix -- uses APR 1.5 but the APR website hints to me that 1.5 is no longer meant to be supported (by omitting it from https://apr.apache.org/anonsvn.html).  Is there any obvious reason why I shouldn't proceed with 2.0 or should I go back and try to find the 1.5 branch and apply my additions there? On that line of thinking, should I port my contribution to 1.6 and 1.7, as well?

Looking forward to any guidance,


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