Github user ran-z commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: aria/cli/cli/ ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
    +# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    +# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    +# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    +# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    +# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    +# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    +# limitations under the License.
    +import sys
    +import difflib
    +import StringIO
    +import traceback
    +from functools import wraps
    +import click
    +from ..env import env, logger
    +from ..cli import helptexts
    +from ..inputs import inputs_to_dict
    +from ..constants import SAMPLE_SERVICE_TEMPLATE_FILENAME
    +from ...utils.exceptions import get_exception_as_string
    +    help_option_names=['-h', '--help'],
    +    token_normalize_func=lambda param: param.lower())
    +class MutuallyExclusiveOption(click.Option):
    +    """Makes options mutually exclusive. The option must pass a `cls` 
    +    with this class name and a `mutually_exclusive` argument with a list of
    +    argument names it is mutually exclusive with.
    +    NOTE: All mutually exclusive options must use this. It's not enough to
    +    use it in just one of the options.
    +    """
    +    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    +        self.mutually_exclusive = set(kwargs.pop('mutually_exclusive', []))
    +        self.mutuality_error_message = \
    +            kwargs.pop('mutuality_error_message',
    +                       helptexts.DEFAULT_MUTUALITY_MESSAGE)
    +        self.mutuality_string = ', '.join(self.mutually_exclusive)
    +        if self.mutually_exclusive:
    +            help = kwargs.get('help', '')
    +            kwargs['help'] = (
    +                '{0}. This argument is mutually exclusive with '
    +                'arguments: [{1}] ({2})'.format(
    +                    help,
    +                    self.mutuality_string,
    +                    self.mutuality_error_message))
    +        super(MutuallyExclusiveOption, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    +    def handle_parse_result(self, ctx, opts, args):
    +        if self.mutually_exclusive.intersection(opts) and in 
    +            raise click.UsageError(
    +                'Illegal usage: `{0}` is mutually exclusive with '
    +                'arguments: [{1}] ({2}).'.format(
    +          ,
    +                    self.mutuality_string,
    +                    self.mutuality_error_message))
    +        return super(MutuallyExclusiveOption, self).handle_parse_result(
    +            ctx, opts, args)
    +def _format_version_data(version_data,
    +                         prefix=None,
    +                         suffix=None,
    +                         infix=None):
    +    all_data = version_data.copy()
    +    all_data['prefix'] = prefix or ''
    +    all_data['suffix'] = suffix or ''
    +    all_data['infix'] = infix or ''
    +    output = StringIO.StringIO()
    +    output.write('{prefix}{version}'.format(**all_data))
    +    output.write('{suffix}'.format(**all_data))
    +    return output.getvalue()
    +def show_version(ctx, param, value):
    +    if not value:
    +        return
    +    cli_version_data = env.get_version_data()
    +    cli_version = _format_version_data(
    +        cli_version_data,
    +        prefix='ARIA CLI ',
    +        infix=' ' * 5,
    +        suffix='')
    +    ctx.exit()
    +def inputs_callback(ctx, param, value):
    +    """Allow to pass any inputs we provide to a command as
    +    processed inputs instead of having to call `inputs_to_dict`
    +    inside the command.
    +    `@aria.options.inputs` already calls this callback so that
    +    every time you use the option it returns the inputs as a
    +    dictionary.
    +    """
    +    if not value:
    +        return {}
    +    return inputs_to_dict(value)
    +def set_verbosity_level(ctx, param, value):
    +    if not value:
    +        return
    +    env.logging.verbosity_level = value
    +def set_cli_except_hook():
    +    def recommend(possible_solutions):
    +'Possible solutions:')
    +        for solution in possible_solutions:
    +  '  - {0}'.format(solution))
    +    def new_excepthook(tpe, value, trace):
    +        if env.logging.is_high_verbose_level():
    +            # log error including traceback
    +            logger.error(get_exception_as_string(tpe, value, trace))
    +        else:
    +            # write the full error to the log file
    +            with open(env.logging.log_file, 'a') as log_file:
    +                traceback.print_exception(
    +                    etype=tpe,
    +                    value=value,
    +                    tb=trace,
    +                    file=log_file)
    +            # print only the error message
    +            print value
    +        if hasattr(value, 'possible_solutions'):
    +            recommend(getattr(value, 'possible_solutions'))
    +    sys.excepthook = new_excepthook
    +def pass_logger(func):
    +    """Simply passes the logger to a command.
    +    """
    +    # Wraps here makes sure the original docstring propagates to click
    +    @wraps(func)
    +    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    +        return func(logger=logger, *args, **kwargs)
    +    return wrapper
    +def pass_plugin_manager(func):
    +    """Simply passes the plugin manager to a command.
    +    """
    +    # Wraps here makes sure the original docstring propagates to click
    +    @wraps(func)
    +    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    +        return func(plugin_manager=env.plugin_manager, *args, **kwargs)
    +    return wrapper
    +def pass_model_storage(func):
    +    """Simply passes the model storage to a command.
    +    """
    +    # Wraps here makes sure the original docstring propagates to click
    +    @wraps(func)
    +    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    +        return func(model_storage=env.model_storage, *args, **kwargs)
    +    return wrapper
    +def pass_resource_storage(func):
    +    """Simply passes the resource storage to a command.
    +    """
    +    # Wraps here makes sure the original docstring propagates to click
    +    @wraps(func)
    +    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    +        return func(resource_storage=env.resource_storage, *args, **kwargs)
    +    return wrapper
    +def pass_context(func):
    +    """Make click context ARIA specific
    +    This exists purely for aesthetic reasons, otherwise
    +    Some decorators are called `@click.something` instead of
    +    `@aria.something`
    +    """
    +    return click.pass_context(func)
    +class AliasedGroup(click.Group):
    +    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    +        self.max_suggestions = kwargs.pop("max_suggestions", 3)
    +        self.cutoff = kwargs.pop("cutoff", 0.5)
    +        super(AliasedGroup, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    +    def get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name):
    +        cmd = click.Group.get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name)
    +        if cmd is not None:
    +            return cmd
    +        matches = \
    +            [x for x in self.list_commands(ctx) if x.startswith(cmd_name)]
    +        if not matches:
    +            return None
    +        elif len(matches) == 1:
    +            return click.Group.get_command(self, ctx, matches[0])
    +'Too many matches: {0}'.format(', 
    +    def resolve_command(self, ctx, args):
    +        """Override clicks ``resolve_command`` method
    +        and appends *Did you mean ...* suggestions
    +        to the raised exception message.
    +        """
    +        try:
    +            return super(AliasedGroup, self).resolve_command(ctx, args)
    +        except click.exceptions.UsageError as error:
    +            error_msg = str(error)
    +            original_cmd_name = click.utils.make_str(args[0])
    +            matches = difflib.get_close_matches(
    +                original_cmd_name,
    +                self.list_commands(ctx),
    +                self.max_suggestions,
    +                self.cutoff)
    +            if matches:
    +                error_msg += '\n\nDid you mean one of these?\n    
    +                    '\n    '.join(matches))
    +            raise click.exceptions.UsageError(error_msg, error.ctx)
    +def group(name):
    +    """Allow to create a group with a default click context
    +    and a cls for click's `didyoueamn` without having to repeat
    +    it for every group.
    +    """
    +    return
    +        name=name,
    +        context_settings=CLICK_CONTEXT_SETTINGS,
    +        cls=AliasedGroup)
    +def command(*args, **kwargs):
    +    """Make Click commands ARIA specific
    +    This exists purely for aesthetical reasons, otherwise
    +    Some decorators are called `@click.something` instead of
    +    `@aria.something`
    +    """
    +    return click.command(*args, **kwargs)
    +def argument(*args, **kwargs):
    +    """Make Click arguments ARIA specific
    +    This exists purely for aesthetic reasons, otherwise
    +    Some decorators are called `@click.something` instead of
    +    `@aria.something`
    +    """
    +    return click.argument(*args, **kwargs)
    +class Options(object):
    +    def __init__(self):
    +        """The options api is nicer when you use each option by calling
    +        `@aria.options.some_option` instead of `@aria.some_option`.
    +        Note that some options are attributes and some are static methods.
    +        The reason for that is that we want to be explicit regarding how
    +        a developer sees an option. It it can receive arguments, it's a
    +        method - if not, it's an attribute.
    +        """
    +        self.version = click.option(
    +            '--version',
    +            is_flag=True,
    +            callback=show_version,
    +            expose_value=False,
    +            is_eager=True,
    +            help=helptexts.VERSION)
    +        self.inputs = click.option(
    +            '-i',
    +            '--inputs',
    +            multiple=True,
    +            callback=inputs_callback,
    +            help=helptexts.INPUTS)
    +        self.json_output = click.option(
    +            '--json-output',
    +            is_flag=True,
    +            help=helptexts.JSON_OUTPUT)
    +        self.dry_execution = click.option(
    +            '--dry',
    +            is_flag=True,
    +            help=helptexts.DRY_EXECUTION)
    +        self.init_hard_reset = click.option(
    +            '--hard',
    +            is_flag=True,
    +            help=helptexts.HARD_RESET)
    +        self.reset_context = click.option(
    +            '-r',
    +            '--reset-context',
    +            is_flag=True,
    +            help=helptexts.RESET_CONTEXT)
    +        self.enable_colors = click.option(
    +            '--enable-colors',
    +            is_flag=True,
    +            default=False,
    +            help=helptexts.ENABLE_COLORS)
    +        self.node_name = click.option(
    +            '-n',
    +            '--node-name',
    +            required=False,
    +            help=helptexts.NODE_NAME)
    +        self.descending = click.option(
    +            '--descending',
    +            required=False,
    +            is_flag=True,
    +            default=False,
    +            help=helptexts.DESCENDING)
    +    @staticmethod
    +    def verbose(expose_value=False):
    +        return click.option(
    +            '-v',
    +            '--verbose',
    +            count=True,
    +            callback=set_verbosity_level,
    +            expose_value=expose_value,
    +            is_eager=True,
    +            help=helptexts.VERBOSE)
    +    @staticmethod
    +    def force(help):
    +        return click.option(
    +            '-f',
    +            '--force',
    +            is_flag=True,
    +            help=help)
    +    @staticmethod
    +    def service_template_filename():
    +        return click.option(
    +            '-n',
    +            '--service-template-filename',
    +            default=SAMPLE_SERVICE_TEMPLATE_FILENAME,
    +            help=helptexts.SERVICE_TEMPLATE_FILENAME)
    +    @staticmethod
    +    def workflow_id(default):
    --- End diff --
    removed this method in the end, it wasnt used

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