
Am using a Ubuntu version of linux for my development and ARIA does not find 
the correct path of pip during the plugin install.
To be precise this happens when pip freeze is executed.

    def _pip_freeze():
        """Run pip freeze in current environment and return the output"""
        bin_dir = 'Scripts' if os.name == 'nt' else 'bin'
        pip_path = os.path.join(sys.prefix, bin_dir,
                                'pip{0}'.format('.exe' if os.name == 'nt' else 
        pip_freeze = subprocess.Popen([pip_path, 'freeze'], 
        pip_freeze_output, _ = pip_freeze.communicate()
        assert not pip_freeze.poll()
        return pip_freeze_output

Now the question is why are we executing a pip command directly and not using 
pip as a library.


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