Can we capture these things in Jira? If you would like I can do this 
unless you would like to create the stories.


> On Oct 5, 2017, at 12:00 PM, Bryan Sullivan <> wrote:
> Tom,
> Not sure how much time I will have to help out here. I got started with Aria 
> on the assumption that it would allow me to integrate/orchestrate apps 
> with/on kubernetes or docker based runtimes. I got subsequent feedback that I 
> need to use Cloudify for that for now, as Aria doesn't provide a complete 
> (enough) solution for now. "Enough" for me would be (in order):
> 1) instantiate multiple-component TOSCA-based apps/VNFs as pods in k8s or 
> docker-ce clusters (i.e. with k8s or docker-ce as control plane)
> 2) do (1) where some of the components are not cloud-native, and need to be 
> run under other control planes (e.g. OpenStack)
> Beyond that, a modeled lifecycle management layer based upon Aria would be 
> very interesting, but for now I assume that by design Aria is only the 
> adapter and is not (now, or intended to be) a comprehensive stateful 
> lifecycle management layer. But getting starting with one lifecycle event 
> (instantiation) would be helpful anyway, *if* Aria has the ability to 
> integrate with k8s/docker-ce as above.
> Thanks,
> Bryan Sullivan
> ________________________________
> From: Thomas Nadeau <>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 4, 2017 1:38 PM
> To:
> Cc: Vishwanath Jayaraman
> Subject: Updating Getting Started
>        Vish and I spent a couple of hours earlier this week breaking down 
> ARIA-309
> ( 
> <>) in an effort to update the 
> “Getting
> Started” materials for the project.  There was some fruitful discussion on 
> the list
> between myself first, then Vish and then Brian Sullivan on what was 
> out-of-date
> in the instructions and materials. I’ve captured what I think are those 
> actual items
> in the updated Jira item and will start working on these shortly (and would 
> love
> some help too).  Vish/Brian at a minimum, please go back and verify that what 
> is in
> here is accurate, but I encourage everyone else to do so too.  If you do want 
> to
> go through these items literally, please invoke a virgin dev environment so 
> that things
> are not working from a previous build/use.
>        Thanks!
>        —Tom

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