Aria Community Grooming Meeting Monday, October 16, 2017

11-11:30AM EST

Zoom Meeting Coordinates:

Attendees: Tom Nadeau, Vish Jayaraman, Sunil Marthi, Arthur Berezin

Discussion about Aria and its actual dual roles as parser/compiler and its 
single-tenant, basic orchestration role.

For someone new, needs to understand the plug-in mechanism. This is key to 
understanding how AriaTosca does
orchestration.  There is a need for a future tutorial on this.  

ACTION: Tom to ask Maxim or Avia to do a tutorial on this in the near future.  
We need a small write-up/recording of this that goes on the wiki/etc...

When will the architecture review/demo from Tal?  We need a small 
write-up/recording of this.  Tom will put these on the community page/Jira.

Vish is going to look at existing backlog to pick a story to start on this week.

Tom will continue with the “Getting started” story.

Tom: Sprint planning: 2 weeks planning is the proposal.  Do we all agree?  
Everyone agreed.

Start first sprint next week: Monday, October 23.
Team: we will review current backlog.  Please review the existing backlog.

Vish: what is the acceptance criterial for story completion?  I.e.: “when do I 
know when I am done?”  Arthur/Sunil?

Sunil: peer review may or may not be sufficient, but as long as the community 
agrees to accept the story.  We should have an initial set of guidelines. 

Tom: I will take a stab at refining/defining this.

Sunil: take a look at Apache Airflow. 

Arthur: What would the outcome of the sprint be?

Tom: when we broke this up, we created a large epic of epics to lead us to 
release 1.0.  But we should break those down into smaller chunks. Perhaps 
having 1 epic per “interim/dot” release is cool?

Vish:  This makes it easy for me to get the guidance required and know what 
needs to be achieve din what time line.  For an overall release perspective, we 
have release “themes” and know what to build. This helps 

Sunil: We need 3 more releases, from 3 more people that are not from Cloudify.  
Specifically 3 different release managers.   Each release manager needs to be a 

Tom: do you guys care about the release cadence or something else?

Sunil: do what makes sense.   Can be variable.

Arthur: Lets do smaller, more frequent releases.  

Vish: what is the criteria for becoming a committer?

Sunil: Its purely based on quality etc.. but a current committer needs to 
nominate cool.

Tom: More code is better and equates to this.

Arthur: workshop done in Israel that couldn’t be done as we found some bugs. 
the pypy package is broken upstream.  Something to look into.  

Vish: I think this is documented in Jira. We need to reopen ARIA-354

Arthur: pushing this to the latest sprint.

Actions for next time: 

Please groom your stories/epics that you plan on attacking for this sprint.  
Please move those into the current sprint or ask someone with committer rights 
to do so.

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