
        I took an action at the grooming yesterday to post about this on the 

        During the grooming yesterday Tal pointed out that this
Jira was committed mid-sprint last week, but was not planned
or on the backlog. Anyone that was not a committer was surprised
because they did not see any of this activity.


        The reason why this was done rapidly was that the fix was critical to 
use of something at Cloudify. Maxim agreed to do the work and 
push the PR afterwards.  That is fair as we don’t want to stifle progress
especially when someone picks up a shovel and does the work. However, 
what was in question was really the lack of visibility to the wider team that 
this work was going on. Concerns around stepping on others’ toes, etc… were 
raised which is also fair. 

        As a resolution to this, we agreed that as a team, we would ask that 
pushing fixes at least please notify everyone else on the list that they are a) 
taking on 
this Jira and b) are doing the coding on it and c) let everyone know when you 
expect it to 
be completed.  

        If anyone who was not able to make the grooming disagrees or has other
ideas on how to mitigate this, please chime in otherwise I suggest we carry on
as agreed by the team yesterday.




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