See a patch to

The description of ARIES-1323 shows the example.

I've updated blueprint-web BlueprintContextListener to load the handlers itself if a contextual property is available. This is not an ultimate solution but makes it much simpler to continue experimenting with blueprint-web + blueprint-noosgi. As I said, the servlet initializer using the auto-discovered handles can also be created at a later stage.

Perhaps the only possible concern is that I've changed a signature in a protected BlueprintContextListener method, from

protected NamespaceHandlerSet getNamespaceHandlerSet(ClassLoader tccl)
protected NamespaceHandlerSet getNamespaceHandlerSet(ServletContext servletContext, ClassLoader tccl);

as the default implementation needs a reference to ServletContext.
I've added the previous signature so I honestly do not expect anyone has already tried overriding it and I guess it is better to do it right later rather than never, but I can easily update BlueprintContextListener to keep that original signature if someone feel strongly about getting it changed

Thanks, Sergey

On 18/05/15 16:30, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:

See in revision 1680044.
Going to update the list shortly about the minor updates to
blueprint-web which utilize a new Namespaces annotation

Thanks, Sergey
On 18/05/15 14:09, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
Hi All,

We've been experimenting recently with registering custom namespace
handlers manually in a non-OSGI environment, with blueprint-web and
blueprint-noosgi components.
It works quite well but as soon as it started working it became obvious
it can be tricky for users to do the manual registration, and it would
be good to have some basic automation support around it.

At the moment Aries NamespaceHandler does have a way to tell what
namespaces it supports. I opened [1] to have a new annotation added for
namespace handler implementations optionally advertise the supported

I've updated a Blueprint Web listener locally that checks a context
property listing the required handler classes only, and the CXF test
that depends on the local updated snapshot is now looking very neat.

The other possible enhancement going forward, once Namespaces is in
blueprint-parsers, would be to ship an optional

But the 1st step is to get the annotation shipped. Hope the above and
the comments at [1] makes sense

Thanks, Sergey


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