I think for the most part the version policy is still correct.

In my opinion the focus should be on versioning the packages correctly and according to OSGi semantic versioning rules. We currently use the aries version plugin to check for this. As the maven bundle plugin now also offers the semantic versioning checks I will experiment with switching to it and report how well it works.

For the bundle version I think the version policy described makes sense in general but I would not mind if the version jump is bigger than the jump described in the policy. Sometimes no exported package changes but you still have new functionality. So a increasing the minor version instead of the bugfix version makes sense. After all the bundle version does not mean much in OSGi technically.

Not sure about the subsystems version bump as I did not follow the changes. I looked up the svn change of the version and it was done by Jean-Baptiste Onofré. Unfortunately he is on vacation at the moment.

Btw. The policy document even is valid to a large degree for the releases by subproject that I started with the jpa subproject. The only difference is that all bundles in the subproject have the same bundle version. I typically derive the next bundle version from the largest change in the exported packages of all bundles in the subproject. So basically it is the same rule as in the policy document just on a different level.


On 18.08.2015 14:29, John W Ross wrote:
No discussion on this? I personally prefer the policy outlined in
http://aries.apache.org/development/versionpolicy, but my main concern,
whatever the policy, is consistency and understanding how the upcoming
subsystems release should be versioned. What is the current Apache Aries
versioning policy and where is it defined? Barring any responses, I will
assume it is still described in the link above.

To: dev@aries.apache.org
Date: 08/13/2015 07:34 AM
Subject: Versioning Policy

What is the versioning policy currently being used? Is it still based on
http://aries.apache.org/development/versionpolicy and the Aries
plugin? If so, it's not clear to me how subsystems got a major version

Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect

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