Also, if you do have bandwidth and interest in doing code reviews,
this is also super helpful, so feel free to chime in on GitHub if you
want to do a code review (either on outstanding or merged patches
while we are in commit-then-review mode).

On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 3:08 PM, Wes McKinney <> wrote:
> hi Micah,
> welcome!
> There is no set process for assigning the JIRAs.
> 1) If you want to do something (or already did something) with no
> JIRA, feel free to open one and self-assign
> 2) If there is an unassigned JIRA, feel free to claim it
> 3) If you wish to work on an assigned JIRA that someone else has
> claimed but you are unsure of its status, feel free to ping on JIRA to
> ask for the status
> Once you complete a JIRA, open a PR on GitHub prefixed with
> "ARROW-XYZ: ..." -- I will be happy to review your code there (we have
> not set up any other code review tools) if C++/Python-related.
> Cleaning up the build scripts with more helpful error messages and
> better portability across platforms would be very helpful for
> everyone.
> best,
> Wes
> On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 2:26 PM, Micah Kornfield <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Arrow-dev,
>> What is the preferred workflow for contributing to the project?
>> Based on my experience setting up the project on a fresh vangrant image I
>> made some small tweaks to the shell scripts to better inform developers of
>> problems in there environment setup (
>> I believe this might conflict with an open pull request to get the dev
>> environment working on zsh).  I don't know if this is useful but if it is,
>> do I ask that a JIRA be opened and then submit a pull request?  Or just
>> submit a pull request directly?
>> Also, how are unassigned open JIRAs being coordinated?  I was thinking I
>> could knock of a few of the other third-party cpp build related items.  But
>> I am also interested in tackling some of the direct development ones, once
>> I get more up to speed on the code base.
>> Thanks,
>> Micah

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