I frequently do the following little bit bothersome steps for opening
JIRA tickets when I watch a GitHub pull-request:

1. Select the "ARROW-XXXX" text in the title and copy it
2. Open JIRA if I haven't open it
3. Select a ticket to open it
4. Alter the URL by pasting text that copied at the step-1
5. Hit the enter key

I think it is better if these steps become easier.

We already have a mechanism to inject a GitHub pull-request URL into
the corresponding JIRA ticket. How about making the similar mechanism
for the reverse link?  I guess it is possible to automate making a
comment of JIRA ticket URL to the pull-request when the "ARROW-XXXX"
text is injected in the title field by using GitHub Actions.

I consulted this idea to Kou, he said ursabot may be appropriate to
implement such the feature.  And he promote me to ask to Krisztian
about this.

Krisztian, what do you think this automation?

Kenta Murata

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