Hi all,
Over the last few months, I've seen a lot of frustration and
discussion around the shortcomings of our current CI. I'm also seeing
debate over a few possible solutions; unfortunately, the debates tend
not to resolve in a clear, decisive way, and we end up having the same
debates repeatedly.

In my experience, this pattern often happens when there's not a shared
understanding of the problems we're trying to solve--it's hard to
agree on a solution if we don't agree on the problem. To help us reach
consensus on the problems, I've started a document:

Please have a look and add/edit freely. I've tried to capture the
arguments I've seen go by the mailing list, as well as some from my
own experience, but if I've mischaracterized anything, please rectify.

I know several people have been exploring some potential solutions,
and I hope this document can help us begin to discuss their relative
merits more objectively and practically.


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