
For the uses I would like to make of Arrow, I would need a human-readable
and -writable version of an Arrow Schema, that could be converted to and
from the Arrow Schema C++ object. Going through the doc for 0.15.1, I don't
see anything to that effect, with the closest being the ToString() method
on DataType instances, but which is meant for debugging only. (I need an
expression of an Arrow Schema that people can read, and that can live
outside of the code for a particular operation.)

Is a text representation of an Arrow Schema something that is being worked
on now? If not, would you folks be interested in me putting up an initial
proposal for discussion? Any design constraints I should pay attention to,



│ Christian Hudon

│ Applied Research Scientist

   Element AI, 6650 Saint-Urbain #500

   Montréal, QC, H2S 3G9, Canada

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