Todd Hendricks
Ben Kietzman
Micah Kornfield
Wes McKinney
Prudhvi Porandla
Neal Richardson
François Saint-Jacques
Krisztián Szucs

* Release verification: ways to put some/more/all of the logic in CI so
that we catch problems sooner and it's less expensive to cut a release
* 1.0: discussion of what needed, especially need commitment from Java
developers to implement/test new types
* Feature flags in C++: good idea? how? Context: parquet nested type work

On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 12:11 PM Neal Richardson <>

> Hi all,
> Reminder that our biweekly call is tomorrow at
> All are welcome to join. Notes will
> be sent out to the mailing list afterwards (like, right after, I promise).
> Neal

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