What do open source analytic database systems do? I don't think we
should deviate from the behavior of these systems. For example, you
can see that Apache Impala uses unsigned arithmetic on signed integers


On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 9:47 AM Ben Kietzman <ben.kietz...@rstudio.com> wrote:
> https://github.com/apache/arrow/pull/7341#issuecomment-638241193
> How should arithmetic kernels handle integer overflow?
> The approach currently taken in the linked PR is to promote such that
> overflow will not occur, for example `(int8, int8)->int16` and `(uint16,
> uint16)->uint32`.
> I'm not sure that's desirable. For one thing this leads to inconsistent
> handling of 64 bit integer types, which are currently allowed to overflow
> since we cannot promote further (NB: that means this kernel includes
> undefined behavior for int64).
> There are a few other approaches we could take (ordered by personal
> preference):
>    - define explicit overflow behavior for signed integer operands (for
>    example if we declared that add(i8(a), i8(b)) will always be equivalent
>    to i8(i16(a) + i16(b)) then we could instantiate only unsigned addition
>    kernels)
>    - raise an error on signed overflow
>    - provide ArithmeticOptions::overflow_behavior and allow users to choose
>    between these
>    - require users to pass arguments which will not overflow

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