Hi Micah,
Thank you for pick up this topic.

It is great to discuss the support of Big Endian in Java implementation in 
the mailing list. I may miss the technical blockers.
Any comments are appreciated.

Best Regards,
Kazuaki Ishizaki

From:   Micah Kornfield <emkornfi...@gmail.com>
To:     dev <dev@arrow.apache.org>
Date:   2020/08/15 08:36
Subject:        [EXTERNAL] [Java] Supporting Big Endian

Kazuaki Ishizak has started working on Big Endian support in Java
(including setting up CI for it).  Thank you!

We previously discussed support for Big Endian architectures in C++ [1] 
generally agreed that it was a reasonable thing to do.

Similar to C++ I think as long as we have a working CI setup it is
reasonable for Java to support Big Endian machines.

But I think there might be differing opinions so it is worth a discussion
to see if there are technical blockers or other reasons for not supporting
Big Endian architectures in the existing java implementation.



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