Hello everyone,

I would like to propose the following specification to ease adoption of SQL
based clients and backends while leveraging data streams for transporting
data. This specification entails a series of protobuf messages to be used
in the opaque messaging framework payloads to enable browsing of database
metadata and statement style operations with scaffolding available to
help implementers provide logic for their backend.

Please take a look at the following material:

   - ARROW-9825 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARROW-9825> has more
   details around the goals of the proposal.
   - Flight SQL Proposal
   a more detailed document describing new messages and how they would be used.
   - https://github.com/ryannicholson/arrow/pull/2 on my Arrow fork shows a
   sample implementation with a catalog browsing action and a prepared
   statement query workflow. There are details in the proposal linking to
   specific areas of the PR.

Thank you for your time,
Ryan Nicholson

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