Hi Micah,

That's roughly my mental model as well.

However, for 4) I would say that return a const ref to shared_ptr if
preferable because the caller will often need the ownership (especially
with Array, ArrayData, DataType, etc.).



Le 08/02/2021 à 18:02, Micah Kornfield a écrit :
> I'm not sure how consistent we are with how shared_ptr is used as a
> parameter to methods and as a return type.  In reviewing and writing code
> I've been using these guidelines for myself and I was wondering if they
> align with others:
> 1.  If a copy of a shared_ptr is not intended to be made by the method then
> use a const ref to underlying type.  i.e. void Foo(const Array& array) is
> preferable to void Foo(const shared_ptr<Array>& array) [1].
> 2.  If a copy is always going to be made pass by value.  i.e. void
> Foo(std::shared_ptr<Array>) and to std::move within the method.  The last
> time I did research on this allowed for eliminating shared_ptr overhead if
> the caller also can std::move() the parameter.
> 3.  If a copy might be made pass the shared_ptr by const reference.  i.e. void
> Foo(const shared_ptr<T>& array) The exception to this if the contents of
> the shared_ptr a reference can effectively be copied cheaply without as is
> the case with Array via ArrayData in which case #1 applies.
> 4. For accessor methods prefer returning by const ref or underlying ref to
> underlying when appropriate.     i.e. const std::shared_ptr<Array>& foo()  or
> const Array& Foo().
> 5. For factory like methods return a copy i.e. std::shared_ptr<Array>
> MakeFoo();
> Is this other people's mental model?  I'd like to update our style guide so
> we can hopefully drive consistency over time.
> Thanks,
> Micah
> [1] Array is somewhat of a special case because one can have essentially
> the same shared_ptr copy semantics by copying the underlying ArrayData
> object.

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