Hi Rusty,

At first glance, I think adding a row_index column would make sense. To be
clear, this would be an index within a file / fragment, not across multiple
files, which don't necessarily have a known ordering in Acero (IIUC).

However, another approach would be to take a mask argument in the Parquet
reader. We may wish to do this anyways for support for using predicate
pushdown with Parquet's page index. While Arrow C++ hasn't yet implemented
predicate pushdown on page index (right now just supports row groups),
Arrow Rust has and provides an API to pass in a mask to support it. The
reason for this implementation is described in the blog post "Querying
Parquet with Millisecond Latency" [1], under "Page Pruning". The
RowSelection struct API is worth a look [2].

I'm not yet sure which would be preferable, but I think adopting a similar
pattern to what the Rust community has done may be wise. It's possible that
row_index is easy to implement while the mask will take time, in which case
row_index makes sense as an interim solution.


Will Jones


On Mon, May 29, 2023 at 2:12 PM Rusty Conover <ru...@conover.me.invalid>

> Hi Arrow Team,
> I wanted to suggest an improvement regarding Acero's Scan node.
> Currently, it provides useful information such as __fragment_index,
> __batch_index, __filename, and __last_in_fragment. However, it would
> be beneficial to have an additional column that returns an overall
> "row index" from the source.
> The row index would start from zero and increment for each row
> retrieved from the source, particularly in the case of Parquet files.
> Is it currently possible to obtain this row index or would expanding
> the Scan node's behavior be required?
> Having this row index column would be valuable in implementing support
> for Iceberg's positional-based delete files, as outlined in the
> following link:
> https://iceberg.apache.org/spec/#delete-formats
> While Iceberg's value-based deletes can already be performed using the
> support for anti joins, using a projection node does not guarantee the
> row ordering within an Acero graph. Hence, the inclusion of a
> dedicated row index column would provide a more reliable solution in
> this context.
> Thank you for considering this suggestion.
> Rusty

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