Reading the source code of, DeclarationToReader called
DeclarationToRecordBatchGenerator, which ignores the sequence_output
parameter in SinkNodeOptions, also, it calls validate which should
fail if the SinkNodeOptions honors the sequence_output. Then it seems
that DeclarationToReader cannot follow the input batch order?
Then how the substrait works in this scenario? Does it output
disorderly as well?

Wenbo Hu <> 于2023年7月25日周二 19:12写道:
> Hi,
>     I'm trying to zip two streams with same order but different processes.
>     For example, the original stream comes with two column 'id' and
> 'age', and splits into two stream processed distributedly using acero:
> 1. hash the 'id' into a stream with single column 'bucket_id' and 2.
> classify 'age' into ['child', 'teenage', 'adult',...]. And then zip
> into a single stream.
>        [      'id'      |      'age'      | many other columns]
>                 |                  |                        |
>        ['bucket_id']   ['classify']                |
>                  |                  |                       |
>               [zipped_stream | many_other_columns]
> I was expecting both bucket_id and classify can keep the same order as
> the orginal stream before they are zipped.
> According to document, "ordered execution" is using batch_index to
> indicate the order of batches.
> but acero::DeclarationToReader with a QueryOptions that sequce_output
> is set to true does not mean that it keeps the order if the input
> stream is not ordered. But it doesn't fail during the execution
> (bucket_id and classify are not specify any ordering). Then How can I
> make the acero produce a stream that keep the order as the original
> input?
> --
> ---------------------
> Best Regards,
> Wenbo Hu,

Best Regards,
Wenbo Hu,

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