
> As a point of reference, we noticed that PyArrow is on
> version 14.0.0, but it feels "misleading" to say that the
> MATLAB interface is at version 14.0.0 when we haven't yet
> implemented or stabilized all core Arrow APIs.

I can understand this but I suggest that we use the same
version as other packages in apache/arrow. Because:

* Using isolated version increases release complexity.
* Using isolated version may introduce another
  "misleading"/"confusion": For example, "the MATLAB
  interface 1.0.0 uses Apache Arrow C++ 20.0.0" may be
  * The MATLAB interface 1.0.0 doesn't use Apache Arrow C++
  * It may be difficult to find the corresponding
    Apache Arrow C++ version from the MATLAB interface

Can we just mention "This is not stable yet!!!" in the
documentation instead of using isolated version?

We may want to use the status page for it:

> 1. Manually build the MATLAB interface on Windows, macOS, and Linux

It's better that we use CI for this like other binary
packages such as .deb/.rpm/.wheel/.jar/...

If we release the MATLAB interface separately, which Apache
Arrow C++ version is used? If we release the MATALB
interface right now, is Apache Arrow C++ 14.0.0 (the latest
release) used or is Apache Arrow C++ main (not released yet)
used? The MATLAB interface on main will depend on Apache
Arrow C++ main, we may not be able to use the latest release
for the MATLAB interface on main.

> 2. Combine all of the cross platform build artifacts into
>    a single MLTBX file [1] for distribution

Does the MLTBX file include Apache Arrow C++ binaries too
like .wheel/.jar?

> 3. Host the MLTBX somewhere that is easliy accessible for download

MATLAB doesn't provide the official package repository such
as PyPI for Python and https://rubygems.org/ for Ruby, right?

> 1. Is there a recommended location where we can host the MLTBX file? e.g. 
> GitHub Releases [2], JFrog [3], etc.?

If the official package repository for MATLAB doesn't exist,
JFrog is better because the MLTBX file will be large (Apache
Arrow C++ binaries are large).

> 2. Is there a recommended location for hosting release notes?

How about creating https://arrow.apache.org/docs/matlab/ ?
We can use Sphinx like the Python docs
https://arrow.apache.org/docs/python/ or another
documentation tools like the R docs
https://arrow.apache.org/docs/r/ .
If we use Sphinx, we can create

> 3. Is there a recommended cadence for incremental point releases?

I suggest avoiding separated release as above.

> 4. Are there any notable ASF procedures [4] [5] (e.g. voting on a new release 
> proposal) that we should be aware of as we consider creating an initial 
> release?

We don't need additional task for an initial release.

> 5. How should the Arrow project release (i.e. 14.0.0)
>    relate to the MATLAB interface version (i.e. 0.1)? As a
>    point of reference, we noticed that PyArrow is on
>    version 14.0.0, but it feels "misleading" to say that
>    the MATLAB interface is at version 14.0.0 when we
>    haven't yet implemented or stabilized all core Arrow
>    APIs. Is there any precedent for using independent
>    release versions for language bindings which are not
>    fully stabilized and are also part of the main
>    apache/arrow repository?

We don't have any precedent for using independent release
versions for language bindings. All language bindings used
the same version.

Apache Arrow JavaScript isn't a language bindings but it
used separated release and isolated versions before
0.4.1. It joined apache/arrow release after 0.4.1. (The next
version of Apache Arrow JavaScript 0.4.1 is 13.0.0.)

> We've noticed that Arrow-related projects which are not
> part of the main apache/arrow GitHub repository
> (e.g. DataFusion) follow a mailing list-based voting and
> release process. However, it's not clear whether it makes
> sense to follow this process for the MATLAB interface
> since it is part of the main apache/arrow repository.

If we want to use separated release for the MATLAB
interface, we should follow the same release process as
apache/arrow and other apache/arrow-* because it's the
standard ASF release process.


  "[DISCUSS][MATLAB] Proposal for incremental point releases of the MATLAB 
interface" on Tue, 7 Nov 2023 20:31:31 +0000,
  Kevin Gurney <kgur...@mathworks.com.INVALID> wrote:

> Hi All,
> A considerable amount of new functionality has been added to the MATLAB 
> interface over the last few months. We appreciate all the community's support 
> in making this possible and are happy to see all the progress that is being 
> made.
> At this point, we would like to create an initial "0.1" release of the MATLAB 
> interface. Incremental point releases will enable MATLAB users to provide 
> early feedback. In addition, learning how to navigate the release process is 
> an important step towards eventually releasing a stable 1.0 version of the 
> MATLAB interface.
> Our proposed approach to creating an initial release would be to:
> 1. Manually build the MATLAB interface on Windows, macOS, and Linux
> 2. Combine all of the cross platform build artifacts into a single MLTBX file 
> [1] for distribution
> 3. Host the MLTBX somewhere that is easliy accessible for download
> For reference - MLTBX is a standard packaging format for MATLAB which enables 
> simple "one-click" installation - analogous to a Python pip package or a Ruby 
> gem.
> Creating an MLTBX file manually should be relatively low effort. However, in 
> the long term, we would love to enable semi-automated "push button" releases 
> via GitHub Actions (and possibly even "nightly builds").
> Since this is our first time creating a release of the MATLAB interface, we 
> wanted to draw on the community's expertise to answer a few questions:
> 1. Is there a recommended location where we can host the MLTBX file? e.g. 
> GitHub Releases [2], JFrog [3], etc.?
> 2. Is there a recommended location for hosting release notes?
> 3. Is there a recommended cadence for incremental point releases?
> 4. Are there any notable ASF procedures [4] [5] (e.g. voting on a new release 
> proposal) that we should be aware of as we consider creating an initial 
> release?
> 5. How should the Arrow project release (i.e. 14.0.0) relate to the MATLAB 
> interface version (i.e. 0.1)? As a point of reference, we noticed that 
> PyArrow is on version 14.0.0, but it feels "misleading" to say that the 
> MATLAB interface is at version 14.0.0 when we haven't yet implemented or 
> stabilized all core Arrow APIs. Is there any precedent for using independent 
> release versions for language bindings which are not fully stabilized and are 
> also part of the main apache/arrow repository?
> We've noticed that Arrow-related projects which are not part of the main 
> apache/arrow GitHub repository (e.g. DataFusion) follow a mailing list-based 
> voting and release process. However, it's not clear whether it makes sense to 
> follow this process for the MATLAB interface since it is part of the main 
> apache/arrow repository.
> We sincerely appreciate the community's help and guidance on this topic!
> Please let us know if you have any questions.
> [1] https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/creating-help.html?s_tid=CRUX_lftnav
> [2] https://github.com/apache/arrow/releases
> [3] https://apache.jfrog.io/ui/native/arrow/
> [4] https://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html
> [5] https://www.apache.org/legal/release-policy.html#release-approval
> Best Regards,
> Kevin Gurney

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