On Sun, Apr 7, 2024 at 3:06 PM Andrew Lamb <al...@influxdata.com> wrote:

> We have had separate releases / votes for Arrow Rust (and Arrow DataFusion)
> and it has served us quite well. The version schemes have diverged
> substantially from the monorepo (we are on version 51.0.0 in arrow-rs, for
> example) and it doesn't seem to have caused any large confusion with users
I think that versioning will require additional thinking for libraries like
PyArrow, Java etc...
For rust this is a non problem because there is no link to the C++ library,

PyArrow instead is based on what the C++ library provides,
so there is a direct link between the features provided by C++ in a
specific version
and the features provided in PyArrow at a specific version.

More or less PyArrow 20 should have the same bug fixes that C++ 20 has,
and diverging the two versions would lead to confusion easily.
Probably major versions should match between C++ and PyArrow, but I guess
we could have diverging minor and patch versions. Or at least patch
versions given that
a new minor version is usually cut for bug fixes too.

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