Thanks Till for reviewing this giant patch set.

At this moment, what I can try to do is removing all necessary test cases
and changes that are related to full-text search preparation (changing the
function name of "contains" to "string-contains") since I thought this
index-only plan branch could be merged first.

I tried to separate logical LIMIT push-down to the index search and
index-only plan. But, it turns out that it was hard. Other than this, all
changes are related to index-only plan part (most of them are accessMethod
related.) In addition, Young-Seok already had one round.


On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 2:43 PM, Till Westmann <> wrote:

> Hi,
> we still have the big change on index-only plans outstanding. I think that
> it would be good to have that feature. However, at it’s current size (+45K
> lines, -15K lines) it is very (!) difficult to review. So I think that one
> approach to get there would be to break it down into smaller more
> achievable
> steps.
> I’ve added a few comments to the review with thoughts I had to do that.
> What do you think?
> Is that a good approach? Is it feasible?
> Are there other ways?
> Thanks for your thoughts,
> Till

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