It seems that it is set to true when the operator has the two properties:
1. A mapping from no more than one input tuple to one or more output tuples can 
be established.
2. Is not blocking operator.

As per this, we can clearly see that:
- IndexInsertDeleteUpsertOperator should have isMap() set as true
- TokenizeOperator should have isMap() set as true

Did I get anything wrong here?

> On Sep 3, 2017, at 11:35 AM, Taewoo Kim <> wrote:
> My understanding is that isMap() is set to true when the cardinality of the
> input may not be equal to the the cardinality of the output. To settle this
> issue, I come up with one explicit property in my Limit Push down branch.
> The attribute is called canDecreaseCardinality.
> On Sun, Sep 3, 2017 at 19:46 abdullah alamoudi <> wrote:
>> Dear devs,
>> I was going over implementations of ILogicalOperator.isMap in our code
>> base and here is the breakdown:
>> isMap()
>> true:
>> -Assign
>> -AbstractReplicateOperator
>> -AbstractUnnestOperator
>> -ExchangeOperator
>> -InsertDeleteUpsertOperator
>> -LimitOperator
>> -ProjectOperator
>> -SelectOperator
>> false:
>> -Order
>> -Aggregate
>> -RunningAggregate
>> -AbstractBinaryJoin
>> -AbstractOperatorWithNestedPlans
>> -DataSourceScanOperator
>> -DistinctOperator
>> -DistributeResultOperator
>> -EmptyTupleSourceOperator
>> -IndexInsertDeleteUpsertOperator
>> -IntersectOperator
>> -MaterializeOperator
>> -NestedTupleSourceOperator
>> -ScriptOperator
>> -SinkOperator
>> -TokenizeOperator
>> -UnionAllOperator
>> -WriteOperator
>> -WriteResultOperator
>> As I understood at some point is that isMap means (does this operator map
>> input tuples to output tuples without blocking?). I am not sure how
>> accurate this description is but it clearly introduces a problem as:
>> * InsertDeleteUpsertOperator.isMap() -> true
>> * IndexInsertDeleteUpsertOperator.isMap() -> false
>> Moreover,
>> TokenizeOperator.isMap() -> false
>> AbstractUnnestOperator.isMap() -> true
>> while clearly, as per the definition above, these two operators should
>> have the same output: true
>> Can someone solve the mystery?
>> Once this is solved, I will add a wiki entry to explain this flag.
>> Cheers,
>> Abdullah.

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