Greetings devs,

Hope you are all enjoying your weekends.

I am trying to build a GPU-based UDF, and this UDF relies on a bunch of 
dependencies (one of them being the GPU-framework). In order to "bake" these 
dependencies into the UDF I am packaging it as a jar-with-dependencies, 
however, this jar ends up being too big to deploy as a UDF as the Hyracks Http 
Server cries out

[nioEventLoopGroup-5-7] WARN 
org.apache.hyracks.http.server.HttpRequestAggregator - A large request 
encountered. Closing the channel.

Is there any way to adjust these file size limits, or should UDFs with 
dependencies be handled some other way? I looked into the file and tried following some trails, but I can't 
seem to discover where the limit is actually set.

Best wishes,


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